Maurice Oruko

He is a 26-year old from Khwisero village with a wife,a 2-year old son and adopted a 12-year old girl . He was enrolled on the Seed of Love Foundation Support program in May 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic. He was living with his family in a one-roomed(10 by 10),muddy, grass thatched house that used to leak when it rained and he had been living here since he was a 14-year old boy. Having no formal education, Oruko used to work on peoples farms as a casual laborer earning $0.5 a day that was highly insufficient for him to support his family and adequately provide for them . With the striking of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was enrolled on Seed & Feed program and he started receiving monthly food supply from the organization and this had his family assured of food therefore there was no longer hunger or starvation on his family. With his enrolment on the program, he took the opportunity to invest on himself and learnt how to ride a motorbike after which he rented a motorbike and Seed of Love Foundation contracted him as an employee for transport & Logistics services. Through the Seed & Build program, the organization built his family a three-roomed permanent house that is spacious enough allowing them a clean, condusive and habitable environment for the family.

As an organization, we saw the thrives, ability and potential exhibited by him in the few opportunities given to him and through the organization’s community mentorship & support program, we bought a motorbike and assigned to him and now he does not need to rent any for he uses it to run his motorbike business from whose profits he supports his family and he’s saved up and been able to buy a cow,goat, started a
poultry project and installed solar panels on his house for lighting. He’s been mentored and now working with the organization as a logistics assistant. Through the organization,he was enrolled in a driving school that enabled him acquire a driving license that enables him to drive a tuk tuk and a car and this has enabled him get more job opportunities within the community.


Enos Cheche is a single father living with HIV/AIDS on a 10 by 10 mud-walled house with three children,a beautiful daughter and two sons. His health condition has made him sickly with a weak immune system hence unable to work effectively to raise money to fend for his young family. Lack of income made him unable to continuously provide adequate food for himself and his children hence grew sickly due to lack of valuable vitamins in the body to compliment the ARVs medication he was on. The family went days without meals as hunger and starvation became a reality they were dealing with. The kids were missing school due to lack of basic social amenities back at home and the inability of the father to provide them with their basic needs. When cheche’s family was enrolled on the Seed & Feed program,he started receiving monthly food supplies and his health and that of his kids greatly improved.The kids are now attending school without fail.Through the Seed & Build program,the organization built his family a permanent three roomed house to accord him and his kids a decent and condusive living environment that is free from jiggers. Growing up,Cheche always had a dream to become a barber and through the organization’s community mentorship & support program,he was bought barber business supplies and started for him a barber business where he shaves members of the local community especially school going children earning him money that he uses to support himself with medication and other needs for his children. As an organization,we have employed him as an assistant during our events and also shaving our kids on the Seed & Learn-Seed & Fun programs.Currently,the family is stable and life is more bearable unlike it was previously.

Derrick Asira

This is a young boy in the remote village of Khwisero Subcounty. His case was brought to the attention of the CEO & Founder of Seed of Love Foundation in 2021.He had a serious skin infection disease that had spread all over his body making him unable to attend school for 2 years due to ridicule and isolation from his classmates and school mates. This situation lowered his self-esteem and compromised his personality. Derrick comes from a financially disadvantaged background hence his parents were not able to afford his medical treatment expenses. They Lived in a small and tiny family house with unfinished walls, leaking roof and unconducive for human living compromising the hygiene and sanitation standards in the family. Through the Seed & Health program, Derrick was taken to a skin specialist hospital at the Kenyan-Ugandan border and treatment commenced. With time, his skin improved and the organization hired a specialist who continued treating him from home until he fully recovered. Through the Seed & Learn Program, Derrick was provided with a private tutor for him to catch up with the academic years he had lost and was taken back to school and his education expenses(School Uniform, Shoes & Tuition Fees) fully covered by the organization.

Through the Seed & Build program, His family’s house roof was renovated but we still looking for funds to cement his family’s house both the walls and the floor for his
siblings are still jigger infected but they are undergoing jigger treatment by the
organization. Sometimes, he makes charcoal and sells to the neighborhood and at one point he
managed to repair a solar panel enabling his family one light at the house now. Derrick is a very
promising young man who dreams of becoming an engineer in future.