
Derrick Asira

This is a young boy in the remote village of Khwisero Subcounty. His case was brought to the attention of the CEO & Founder of Seed of Love Foundation in 2021.He had a serious skin infection disease that had spread all over his body making him unable to attend school for 2 years due to ridicule and isolation from his classmates and school mates. This situation lowered his self-esteem and compromised his personality. Derrick comes from a financially disadvantaged background hence his parents were not able to afford his medical treatment expenses. They Lived in a small and tiny family house with unfinished walls, leaking roof and unconducive for human living compromising the hygiene and sanitation standards in the family. Through the Seed & Health program, Derrick was taken to a skin specialist hospital at the Kenyan-Ugandan border and treatment commenced. With time, his skin improved and the organization hired a specialist who continued treating him from home until he fully recovered. Through the Seed & Learn Program, Derrick was provided with a private tutor for him to catch up with the academic years he had lost and was taken back to school and his education expenses(School Uniform, Shoes & Tuition Fees) fully covered by the organization.

Through the Seed & Build program, His family’s house roof was renovated but we still looking for funds to cement his family’s house both the walls and the floor for his
siblings are still jigger infected but they are undergoing jigger treatment by the
organization. Sometimes, he makes charcoal and sells to the neighborhood and at one point he
managed to repair a solar panel enabling his family one light at the house now. Derrick is a very
promising young man who dreams of becoming an engineer in future.

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